First permanent measurement locations in Arba Minch

Yared Godine and I have installed the first four permanent PM2.5 measurement locations in Arba Minch. The locations are part of a planned low-cost measurement network. We have installed SPSA sensor systems at the Arba Minch University (AMU) main campus gate, at the AMU Kulfo campus gate, in the Limat neighborhood, and at the main commercial bank (CBE) compound in the center of Arba Minch. The sensor system measures PM2.5, relative humidity and temperature on a one-minute frequency. It stores the data on an SD card.

We plan to install sensors at six other locations over the coming weeks. The locations will be at the main hospital, at the bus station, in some neighborhoods, and near to a busy road.

Low-cost installation

A low-cost measurement network goes further than merely using low-cost sensors. We have conducted low-cost field installation as well. Yared Godine, staff of Meteorology and Hydrology, has many years experience with setting up weather stations. He is incredibly creative with waste materials, and has good connections with workshops at Arba Minch University. The following are some of the ideas that went into the field installation:

  • Protective boxes were created from unused computer stand carts;
  • Discarded metal sheets and pieces were used for rain protection and hanging the boxes;
  • Individual copper wires of discarded internet cables were used to make power available.

Unused computer stand carts are turned into protective boxes


Parts of discarded sheet metal are turned into rain covers


Yared’s good connections at the workshops make for quick help on all the metal work.


Discarded power sockets are prepared for field installation.


Interested audience are quick to help with installing the power supply. Copper wires of old internet cables are used.

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Yared’s connections at the workshops made for quick metal work, and interested audience at the installation locations made for helpful support. The final ‘costs’ for installation were approximately 400ETB ($3.50) for a shared lunch and coffee.

Low-cost operation

With staff from different faculties, we aim to run the measurement network with student science. Students from electrical engineering, meteorology and hydrology, environmental sciences and environmental health will maintain instruments and collect, process and analyze measurement data, as part of their respective courses.

Debre Birhan University team constructed PM2.5 sensor system

Last March, Professor Solomon Bililign donated thirty SPS30 Sensirion sensors, with the goal that apart from Arba Minch University at two other universities teams would start building PM sensor systems. A team at Debre Birhan University (DBU) constructed their first working sensor system. The team consists of Abebe Tsegaye, Abreham Lakew and Matiwos Zenebe, staff of Electrical and Computer Engineering. With their sensor system, PM2.5 data from the SPS30 Sensirion, together with time from a DS3231 real time clock, is stored on an SD card.

The DBU team received ten of the donated SPS30 sensors. They received build instructions and the sensor system software from me. The have added all other components and work from their own time and budget. It is a promising sign that the university team has done all this without any external project funding. While any future upscaling might make fund applications relevant, the DBU team is already showing and increasing their expertise. This makes any future fund applications more likely to succeed, but also shows that DBU can act independently.

The DBU team will install sensor systems at outdoor locations in Debre Birhan. They will install the first systems at campus and the university hospital. Other locations are planned close to industry and next to roads.

Six sensor systems brought to Addis Ababa

I have brought six SPSA sensor system to Addis Ababa. Tesfaye Mamo, staff of the department of Physics at Addis Ababa University, will collocate them over the coming weeks at some ground measurement locations of the MAIA mission in Addis Ababa.

Tesfaye Mamo operates various air quality measurement locations in Addis Ababa, and can install six SPSA sensor systems at some of those.

Earlier, we tested the SPSA in Arba Minch, as well as at Ethiopian Meteorology Institute stations of Addis Ababa and Adama. Part of this data has been published. The new sensor systems will collect PM2.5 data next to Purple Air sensors (commercial low-cost sensors). Comparison of the data will show whether the SPSA sensor systems can produce data as reliable as (or even more reliable than) the Purple Air sensors. If this is the case, air quality monitoring capacity in Ethiopia could be increased with locally constructed sensor systems rather than commercial ones from outside. This would result both in cost reduction and local expertise increase.

Update of low-cost sensor software

Anticipating an increase in Arduino-based PM sensor systems, I have made an update in the low-cost sensor software code. I also shifted to another sensor identification system. So far, I used for my measurement instruments a four-letter abbreviation (e.g. SPSA for the Sensirion SPS Arduino sensor, IQAV for the IQAir Airvisual Pro), in combination with a two-digit identifier (e.g. SPSA01, SPSA02, …). This system accommodates a maximum of 100 unique identifiers per instrument type.

I have used up to 33 so far. Since my presentations in Addis and publication, some other persons and organizations have expressed their interest. We built ten sensor systems for a PhD student last June. A team at Debre Birhan University has recently built their own system according to our design. I plan to install some ten sensors in both Arba Minch and Addis Ababa the coming year. I am in discussion with universities across Ethiopia for building and/or using the sensor systems as well. Hence, I have decided to shift to the following naming convention: SPSA_XXXX (SPSA as four-letter abbreviation of SPS30 Sensirion with Arduino, XXXX being four digits).

Most recent sensor system build: SPS30 Sensirion sensor, BME280 sensor, DS3231 real-time clock and SD module connected to an Arduino Mega. The system is powered by a Li-Ion 18650 battery. See an overview of the components on this page.

The software

Apart from the naming convention, I have made the following changes versus the earlier software versions:

  • Apart from a datafile, the sensor system also creates a metadata file. In the metadata file, for every restart of the sensor system it adds a line with the time, software version, device ID, serial number of the SPS30 Sensirion sensor, and the sensors of that specific SPSA.
  • As data from the SPS30, not only PM values (PM1, PM2.5, PM4, PM10), but also particle numbers of the separate bins are saved.
  • I have included a start-up sequence: first 50 seconds of low power mode, after which 30 seconds of SPS30 cleaning mode. I introduced the low power mode for the use of a Li-Ion 18650 rechargeable battery with battery shield as power bank. When the Li-Ion battery is fully depleted, and power comes back, the sensor system at the very start draws too much power. It therefore does not manage to start at all. Instead, at the moment the power comes back, the sensor system should start at low power. Within 50 seconds, there is some charge back in the battery, with which the system can start.

You can find the sketch (Arduino software code) for the set-up here. The sketch is for the following configuration:

 * SPS030......Mega
 * 1 VCC.......5V
 * 2 SDA.......SDA (nb: with 10k pull up resistor, or other I2C sensor)
 * 3 SCL.......SCL (nb: with 10k pull up resistor, or other I2C sensor)
 * 4 Select....GND (select I2c)
 * 5 GND.......GND
 * BME280......Mega
 * VIN.........5V
 * GND.........GND
 * SDA.........SDA
 * SCL.........SCL

 * SD module...Mega
 * GND.........GND
 * VCC.........5V
 * MISO........50
 * MOSI........51
 * SCK.........52
 * CS..........53
 * DS3231......Mega
 * GND.........GND
 * VCC.........5V
 * SDA.........SDA
 * SCL.........SCL
 * Green LED....Mega
 * +............8 [+: longer leg]
 * -..resistor..GND [-: smaller leg]

Display for the prime minister

On a fair, my work together with that of several colleagues was on display for the prime minister. The Ethiopian prime minister (Dr. Abiy Ahmed) visited Arba Minch for the inauguration of a new hospital. Part of his schedule would also be a visit to Arba Minch University Main Campus, where work of Arba Minch University (AMU) would be on display on a fair. AMU asked me to present my work in one of the tents. Some fourteen tents showed locally developed products from false banana and the water hyacinth, fertilizer, a soap making machine, a hand-held plow, meteorology sensors. In mine, I displayed low-cost sensor development: the low-cost PM sensor systems and the soil-moisture sensor system.

Below photos give an impression of the display.

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The display was intended for the prime minister. He did however not visit the fair after all, due to scheduling conflicts. In his stead, higher officials and previous university presidents visited the fair, as well as university staff and students, and several Arba Minch citizens. The fair was kept in place from Thursday July 4 to Sunday July 7. It was open to anyone visiting the university during that time. It was good to see work of colleagues, and to show my work to them and the other visitors.

Student science

While my display was labeled ‘Low-cost sensor development’, I sneaked in some information on student science as well. Both the local development of sensor systems, and using courses to conduct research with students, are means for reducing costs and increasing expertise. I therefore also included below poster in the display.

A poster on the benefit of student science.

Symposium 2024: table displays

Arba Minch Water Technology Institute (AWTI) hosted the 22nd International Symposium on Sustainable Water Resources Development (June 14-15 2024). Together with four colleagues (Awel Haji, Demiso Daba, Edmealem Temesgen and Israel Gebresilasie), I organized table displays under the title ‘Do it yourself – Do it low-cost’.

Banner displayed at the 2024 international symposium

We could present low-cost sensor systems: the air pollution sensor, a soil moisture sensor system, and a water level sensor system. Materials were available for participants to try to make their own relative humidity and temperature sensor. Work of awtiCode (Python code development by and for AWTI staff) was presented as well.

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For the symposium, we also created a poster presentation on the PM2.5 low-cost sensor system.

Poster presentation about low-cost sensor system at the 2024 international symposium. Click to download as PDF.

Low cost measurement network proposal

Together with colleagues from various departments, I have created a proposal for establishing a low-cost measurement network with low-cost sensors and student science.

Over the past five years I have developed and tested a low-cost PM2.5 sensor system. I have used multiple courses to conduct research with students. Presumably, those two combined could result in a low-cost measurement network: sensor systems built and maintained by students, and data collected, validated, analyzed and interpreted by students as well. For this, I have joined hands with two colleagues from Environmental Health (Asmare Asrat and Awugchew Teshome), Geography and Environmental Sciences (Alemu Assele), Electrical and Computer Engineering (Afework Tademe), Meteorology and Hydrology (Israel Gebresilassie) and Water Supply and Environmental Engineering (Dagmawi Mateos and me). As staff, we will offer courses within our respective departments for which part of the content can be used to conduct tasks for the measurement network. For example, students of Electrical and Computer Engineering covering part of the course Microcomputer and interface by building the sensor systems. Or, Geography students covering part of a GIS course by spatially visualizing measurement network data.

The proposal is submitted as a thematic research to the Water Resources Research Center, and accepted on April 29 2024. Since budget is limited, we have submitted this proposal with a zero-budget: materials will be covered by my lab, while all labor will be done either by the students, or the staff offering those courses and supervising the students. Over the coming year we will find out whether the assumption (running a measurement network low-cost with low-cost sensors and student science is possible) is true or not.

See the presentation slides used during the proposal defense:

Low-cost research awareness meetings

Across two meetings, I met with institute and university staff and management to raise awareness for low-cost research opportunities. Over the past five years, both developing low-cost sensor systems and conducting research with students (student science) has given me access to many hours of data and some publications at little cost in the field of air pollution. I strongly believe that the same can be conducted in other fields.

At April 5, 2024, the meeting participants included lecturers and deans of the Arba Minch Water Technology Institute, as well as its scientific director (Dr. Bogale Gebremariam). With Dr. Tesfaye Habtemariam (Executive Director for Research of Arba Minch University) also joining us, we could have a fruitful discussion on opportunities and challenges with all layers of the university. This meeting was followed up with a meeting on April 11, 2024, where the university president (Dr. Damtew Darza), vice president of academics (Dr. Alemayehu Chufamo) and vice president of research (Behailu Merdekios) participated. Some of my students were present to show the instruments with which they conducted measurements. The locally developed soil-moisture sensor system was also on display.

Final year students of Water Supply and Environmental Engineering use locally assembled air pollution sensors.

The meetings raised awareness for low-cost research opportunities and integrating research with education. Below slides show the presentation and minutes of the challenges and solutions raised across the two meetings.

AirQo to host measurement data

AirQo has agreed to host our PM2.5 measurement data on their platform. AirQo started at Makere University (Uganda). It is currently the only builder of professional low-cost PM sensor systems in the African continent. I met them at the international conference “Together for cleaner air in Ethiopia” in Addis Ababa, December 2023. Their sensor systems provide real-time data, and this data is hosted on their platform. Over the past years, I have collected data at some locations in Arba Minch, and the coming year I plan to install fixed locations. Possibly I will include real-time data transmission on those measurement systems. However, AirQo also agreed to host historical data, based on CSV files I submit to them.

As a sample, I submitted historical data collected between April – May 2021. You can download it by visiting This proof of concept shows the future opportunity of locally constructing sensor systems in Arba Minch, installing them across Ethiopia, and openly sharing the data.

Successful import of components for fifty PM2.5 sensors

I am glad to share the successful import of components for fifty PM2.5 sensor systems. For the low-cost sensor systems, most items are available in Addis Ababa – but for a much higher price due to import restrictions. Last month, fifty pieces of all components were ordered in The Netherlands, and I was able to bring all these items into Ethiopia. For total costs of 2500 euro, and additionally 90,000 ETB of import tax, we have enough materials to construct more than fifty new measurement instruments. Considering that all measurements up to now have been conducted with approximately twenty systems, this is a huge increase of the measurement capacity.

Suitcase with materials for more than fifty sensors

A list of all materials, with links to the sellers: