Arba Minch (Ethiopia), literal meaning “40 springs”, supplies clean water for its environment through its natural springs. Based in Arba Minch, ArbaAir strives to be a source for clean air.
Hello! I am Jan Dirk Dingemanse / Johannes Dirk Dingemanse, lecturer and researcher at Arba Minch University. My focus is to make air quality research more accessible for the Ethiopian research community. I do this, together with colleagues, by locally developing and testing low-cost sensors, conducting measurements with students (Student Science), and constructing trainings on and tools for environmental data processing. Through the website, I irregularly share information about air quality research and low cost research in general.
I am staff of the faculty of Water Supply and Environmental Engineering (WSEE), Arba Minch Water Technology Institute (AWTI). WSEE has provided me with a laboratory room, where I have several measurement instruments and laptops at my disposal.