Thanks to the Global Equitable Membership (GEM) program of Crossref, all journals published by Arba Minch University (AMU) now have DOI registration. AMU publishes the following journals:
- OMO International Journal of Sciences (OMOIJS);
- Ethiopian Journal of Business and Social Science (EJBSS);
- Ethiopian Journal of Water Science and Technology (EJWST);
- Arba Minch University Journal of Culture and Language Studies (AMUJCLS);
- Ethiopian International Journal of Engineering and Technology (EIJET).
Until recently, these journals did not have DOI registration. I came across the Crossref GEM program, and through this program Crossref has provided Arba Minch University with DOI registration capacities for free. Through DOI registration, articles published in these journals will be found more easily through platforms like Google Scholar, which can lead to more citations and higher scientific impact.
[UPDATED] Two of my articles are published in the EJWST, and thanks to Crossref now have permanent DOI links:
- Evaluation of three low-cost particulate matter (PM2.5 sensors for ambient and high exposure conditions in Arba Minch, Ethiopia:
- Roadside PM2.5 concentrations measured with low-cost sensors and student science in Arba Minch, Ethiopia: