Measurements in Addis Ababa

With help of Tofikk Redi (Ethiopian Meteorology Institute, EMI), I have installed three low-cost self-assembled low-cost sensors and one IQAir Airvisual Pro at the monitoring station of EMI in Addis Ababa. Tofikk will irregularly download and share the data, but I also want to find out how the set-up is working for a longer period without regular checkup. As for the data itself, I am interested in the intercorrelation as well as the correlation with the IQAir instrument under concentration levels in Addis Ababa. Also, I hope to compare data of my sensors with the Beta Attenuation Monitor (BAM) at this site. The BAM is a reference-grade PM monitor. The BAM at this site is currently not operational, but EMI expects it to be back in business within the coming months.

Installation of low-cost sensor systems at the EMI monitoring station in Addis Ababa.
EMI monitoring station in Addis Ababa